Most Recent House Bills
H.R. 3433 (RH) - Give Kids a Chance Act of 2024
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to molecularly targeted pediatric cancer investigations, and for other purposes.
2023-05-17: Mr. McCaul (for himself, Ms. Eshoo, Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Kim of California, Mr. Smith of New Jersey, Ms. Schrier, Mr. Bacon, Mr. Moylan, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Huizenga, Mr. Grothman, Mr. Johnson of Ohio, and Mr. Phillips) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
2024-09-20: Additional sponsors: Ms. Kuster, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, Ms. Salazar, Mr. Neguse, Mr. LaLota, Mr. Valadao, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Waltz, Mr. Allred, Mr. Lawler, Ms. Castor of Florida, Ms. Ross, Ms. Lofgren, Mr. Cardenas, Mr. Calvert, Mr. Kilmer, Mr. Rouzer, Mr. Davis of North Carolina, Ms. Mace, Ms. Pettersen, Ms. Leger Fernandez, Ms. Perez, Ms. Caraveo, Mr. Pappas, Mr. Jackson of North Carolina, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Owens, Mr. Baird, Mr. Nehls, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Van Drew, Mr. Smith of Nebraska, Mr. Bean of Florida, Mr. Westerman, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Yakym, Ms. Sewell, Mr. Kean of New Jersey, Mr. Casten, Ms. De La Cruz, Mr. Steube, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Titus, Ms. Brown, Mr. Veasey, Ms. Slotkin, Mr. Garbarino, Mr. Luetkemeyer, Mr. Peters, Mr. McGarvey, Mr. Lieu, Mr. Zinke, Mr. Harder of California, Mr. Gooden of Texas, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Norman, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Moulton, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Crow, Mr. LaHood, Mr. Thanedar, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Moskowitz, Mr. Swalwell, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Bera, Mr. Diaz-Balart, Ms. Budzinski, Mr. Aderholt, Ms. Tokuda, Ms. Granger, Mr. Cline, Mr. Finstad, Ms. Velazquez, Mr. Nunn of Iowa, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, Mr. Trone, Mr. Tonko, Mrs. Trahan, Mr. Carl, Ms. Matsui, Mr. Keating, Ms. Houlahan, Mrs. Miller of West Virginia, Mrs. Foushee, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania, Mr. Carey, Mr. Nickel, Mr. Fleischmann, Mr. Donalds, Ms. Waters, Mr. Ivey, Mr. Sablan, Mrs. Cherfilus-McCormick, Mrs. Napolitano, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Correa, Mr. Goldman of New York, Mr. Deluzio, Mr. Raskin, Mr. Mike Garcia of California, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. Panetta, Ms. DelBene, Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. Arrington, Ms. Brownley, Mr. Sessions, Mr. LaMalfa, Mr. Amodei, Mr. D'Esposito, Mr. Scott Franklin of Florida, Ms. Jacobs, Mr. Costa, Mr. Graves of Missouri, Ms. Meng, Ms. Wild, Ms. Norton, Mr. Kim of New Jersey, Mr. DeSaulnier, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Takano, Ms. Clarke of New York, Mr. Khanna, Ms. Lee of Pennsylvania, Mr. Kildee, Mrs. Dingell, Ms. Malliotakis, Mr. Mills, Ms. Spanberger, Ms. Stansbury, Mr. Burchett, Mr. Kelly of Mississippi, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, Mr. Soto, Mr. Castro of Texas, Mrs. Bice, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Mann, Ms. Scanlon, Ms. Porter, Mr. Bucshon, Ms. Craig, Mr. Ruiz, Mr. Cuellar, Mr. Carter of Louisiana, Mr. Flood, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Clyde, Ms. Jayapal, Mr. LaTurner, Ms. Letlow, Ms. Kamlager-Dove, Mr. Pocan, Ms. Wexton, Ms. Sherrill, Ms. Strickland, Mrs. Kiggans of Virginia, Ms. Barragan, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mr. Sorensen, Ms. Crockett, Mr. Ciscomani, Mr. Alford, Mr. Kiley, Mr. Smucker, Mr. McHenry, Mr. James, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. McCormick, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Meuser, Mrs. Harshbarger, Ms. Davids of Kansas, Mr. Williams of New York, Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Mr. Morelle, Ms. Tenney, Mr. Posey, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Gimenez, Mr. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Ms. Bush, Mrs. Hinson, Mr. DesJarlais, Mr. Miller of Ohio, Mr. Jackson of Texas, Mr. Boyle of Pennsylvania, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Mr. Robert Garcia of California, Ms. DeGette, Mrs. Luna, Mr. Carbajal, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Mr. Suozzi, Mr. Garamendi, Ms. Bonamici, Ms. Kaptur, Ms. McCollum, Ms. Jackson Lee, Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Nadler, Mr. Sarbanes, Ms. Salinas, Mrs. Beatty, Mr. Garcia of Illinois, Mr. Norcross, Ms. McClellan, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. Bilirakis, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Evans, Ms. Scholten, Mr. Levin, and Mr. Wittman
2024-09-20: Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
H.R. 8610 (RH) - Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To reauthorize and reform counter-unmanned aircraft system authorities, to improve transparency, security, safety, and accountability related to such authorities, and for other purposes.
2024-06-04: Mr. Green of Tennessee (for himself, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Mr. Graves of Missouri, Mr. Larsen of Washington, and Mr. Nadler) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committees on the Judiciary, and Homeland Security, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
2024-09-20: Additional sponsors: Mr. Graves of Louisiana and Mr. Magaziner
2024-09-20: Reported from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure with an amendment
2024-09-20: Committees on the Judiciary and Homeland Security discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
H.R. 8932 (RH) - FAFSA Deadline Act
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To establish an earlier application processing cycle for the FAFSA.
2024-07-05: Mrs. Houchin introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce
2024-09-20: Additional sponsors: Ms. Foxx, Mr. Williams of New York, Mr. Finstad, Mrs. Bice, Mr. Owens, Mr. Kiley, Mr. Smucker, Mr. Bergman, Mr. Walberg, and Mr. Timmons
2024-09-20: Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
H.R. 9488 (RH) - Secure Handling of Internet Electronic Donations Act
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the disclosure of the card verification value as a condition of the acceptance of online contributions made through the use of credit or debit cards in elections for Federal office and to prohibit the acceptance of contributions made through the use of gift cards and prepaid credit cards in such elections, and for other purposes.
2024-09-06: Mr. Steil (for himself, Mrs. Bice, Ms. Lee of Florida, and Mr. D'Esposito) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration
2024-09-20: Additional sponsors: Mr. Murphy and Mr. Calvert
2024-09-20: Reported with amendments, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
H.R. 9686 (IH) - Healthy Equipping And Lending Technical Help Panel Act
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To amend the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to codify the Panel of Health Advisors within the Congressional Budget Office, and for other purposes.
2024-09-19: Mr. Carter of Georgia (for himself and Mr. Burgess) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Budget
H.R. 7073 (RH) - Next Generation Pipelines Research and Development Act
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To improve public-private partnerships and increase Federal research, development, and demonstration related to the evolution of next generation pipeline systems, and for other purposes.
2024-01-22: Mr. Weber of Texas (for himself, Ms. Caraveo, Mr. Lucas, and Mr. Obernolte) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
2024-09-20: Additional sponsor: Mr. Williams of New York
2024-09-20: Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
H.R. 9711 (IH) - Congressional Budget Office Scheduling Reform Act
Published on Sep 21, 2024 | Loaded On Sep 23, 2024To amend the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to direct the Congressional Budget Office to publish a schedule of the availability of certain publications by the Office, and for other purposes.
2024-09-19: Mr. Valadao introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Budget